5 Powerful Ingredients to Regulate Your Periods – Plus, A Simple Tea Recipe To Try

Missed, delayed or erratic periods or abnormal bleeding patterns are categorised as irregular periods. There can be many causes associated with irregular menstrual cycle such as family history, menopause, physical stress, psychological stress, smoking or medication side effects. There are several ways to help you regulate your periods. In a recent Instagram video, Hormone and Gut Health Coach Manpreet Kalra shared a powerful tea recipe to regulate hormonal imbalance. Further, she suggested lifestyle and dietary changes to improve the menstrual cycle.

Here Are 5 Powerful Ingredients Used To Make Tea For Irregular Periods:

1. Methi Seeds: Contain phytoestrogens which regulate hormonal imbalance

2. Cumin: Stimulates and regulates your period flow

3. Saffron: Reduces menstrual cramps and discomfort

4. Coriander Seeds: Reduces menstrual pain

5. Jaggery: Helps maintain regular periods

How To Make Super Tea For Periods | Health Drink Recipe For Irregular Periods

The steps to make this super tea are quite easy. Take a pan and add 2-3 strands saffron, 1 tsp methi seeds, 1 tsp coriander seeds, 1 tsp jeera and 200ml water. Boil it all till the concoction is reduced to half. Add 1 tsp jaggery. Your super tea is ready.  
Also Read: 4 Foods You Should Avoid If You Have PCOS

More Diet And Lifestyle Tips to Regularise Periods:

1. Wake Up Early

Wake up to sunlight as it helps in balancing your cortisol levels.

2. Period Health Drink

Consume the tea 2-3 days before your period date. Drink it in the ‘Malasana’ posture (squatting pose with the feet together and the back rounded) early in the morning.

3. Protein-Rich Diet

Have proteinaceous meals as this helps to improve your insulin sensitivity.

4. Workout

Do strength training 3-4 times per week and cardio 2-3 times per week to improve menstrual flow.

5. Eat Clean

Avoid processed foods and refined sugar as these may disrupt your hormones.
Also Read: Why You Need To Add Pineapple to Your Period Routine

6. Meal Timings

Keep a gap of 12-14 hours between dinner and breakfast as it helps in detoxification.

7. Rest

Make sure to sleep for 8 hours. Avoid using screens an hour before sleeping. Do yoga nidra before bed to improve sleep quality.

8. Dry Fruit Intake

Have 3-4 soaked munakka before bed to provide relief from period cramps.

Follow these tips to help regulate your menstrual cycle.

Note: It is important to consult your doctor before making any crucial dietary changes, especially for any exisitng health conditions.

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